
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has clarified the controversial issues related to the surety contract

16 February 2021

The Supreme court has amended the regulation of pledges, established by the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation earlier. The Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 45 "On some issues of dispute resolution connected to pledge" dated 24.12.2020 (hereinafter – DPSC No. 45) derogates the Decree of the Plenum dated 12.07.2012 No. 42 (hereinafter – DPSAC No. 42) and resolves main problems raised in connection with the reform of this institute in 2015.

New rules for retail trade

09 February 2021

Starting from the beginning of 2021, new rules for the retail sale of goods (the “Rules”) entered into force. The Rules will be valid until January 1, 2027. The Rules are developed within the framework of the regulatory guillotine and replace a few previously existing documents (rules for retail trade, rules for distance selling of goods, rules for commission trading).

Changes in the Federal law “On the procedure for foreign investment in economic companies of strategic importance for national defense and state security”

31 August 2020

Starting from August 11, 2020, amendments to the Federal law “On the procedure for foreign investment in economic companies of strategic importance for national defense and state security” (“Law”) have come into force, strengthening state control over transactions of foreign investors or a group of persons in respect of shares of companies of strategic importance for national defense and state security (“Company”).

Changes in the joint stock companies law

06 August 2018

On 19 July amendments to the Federal law “On joint stock companies” (JSC Law) came into effect aiming to fix general principles of internal audit implementation in joint stock companies. Here we describe this and other important changes.