Moscow Trilateral Agreement: New Rules

23 March 2022

On December 30, 2021, the Moscow Trilateral Agreement for 2022-2024 was concluded between the Government of Moscow, the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions and the Moscow Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers)1 (the “Agreement”).

The following obligations can be mentioned among the additional obligations of employers under the Agreement:

  • To provide 2 paid days off to employees undergoing vaccination (revaccination) against  COVID-19;

  • To prevent simultaneous redundancy dismissal within a year of employees who are members of the same family;

  • To inform the social protection authorities on the employment of a retired person;

  • To provide employees who are dismissed due to the liquidation or the redundancy with the opportunity to undergo professional education and receive additional professional education, etc.

Moreover, the parties to the Agreement also undertake to jointly develop measures to improve the remuneration system for employees of the public sector of the economy of Moscow, to ensure the medical examination of employees and students studying full-time in educational organizations, to consider that the minimum wage level in Moscow is set annually in the amount of the subsistence minimum of the able-bodied population of Moscow, etc.

The Agreement entered into force on January 1, 2022. Its provisions apply to all employers in Moscow, except for employers who submitted to the Moscow Trilateral Commission a written reasoned statement of disagreement with the Agreement (in whole or its specific obligations) within 30 days after the official publication of the text of the Agreement2.

1Moscow Trilateral Agreement for 2022-2024 between the Government of Moscow, Moscow unions of trade unions, and Moscow employers’ associations (concluded on 30.12.2021)

2Paragraph 9 of Article 12 of the Law of Moscow dated 11.11.2009 No. 4 “On social partnership in the city of Moscow” // Bulletin of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. № 67. Volume 1. 01.12.2009; Letter of the Committee of Public Relations and Youth Policy of the Government of Moscow to employers operating in Moscow, dated 12.01.2022 No. 02-08-24/22 // URL: