
New fines for hosting providers and search engines for bypassing blocks with anonymizers

12 July 2018

On 1 November 2017 new art. 15.8 of the Federal Law “;On information, information technologies and information security” (hereinafter — the Law on Information) entered into force. It prohibits to provide access to forbidden websites by means of anonymous proxies or VPN services. The Law on Information obliges hosting providers to submit information about owners of anonymizers to Roskomnadzor (The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media). The owners of anonymizers have to accede to Register of forbidden websites and to restrict access to websites included in blacklist. In case of non-compliance with the Law on Information, Roskomnadzor can only block such anonymizer.

FAS of Russia expressed its opinion re selling prices for the drugs, included in Essential drug list

12 July 2018

Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS of Russia) has issued Letter No. АЦ/49132/18 dated 29 June 2018 in which expressed its opinion regarding selling prices for drugs, included in the List of vital and essential drugs (the “Essential drug list”). FAS indicated that these prices, when set by wholesale and retail organizations, shall be dependent on the terms of their purchase.

Changes in the procedure of incorporation

09 July 2018

The procedure of incorporation companies and individual entrepreneurs has been changed since 29 April 2018. Amendments to the Federal law No. 129-ФЗ of 08.08.2001 “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs” has come into effect.

Presidium of the FAS Russia clarified the procedure of granting access to trade secrets information during case investigation of violation of antimonopoly legislation

09 July 2018

Presidium of the FAS Russia in its Clarification dated 21.02.2018 No. 13 “On trade secrets information in the process of investigation of the case on violation of antimonopoly legislation, verification for abidance of antimonopoly legislation, state control for economic concentration” (“Clarification”) notes that such information for which information owner doesn’t establish commercial secrecy regime according to Commercial secret law, isn’t protected by law.

New in Сurrency Laws

05 July 2018

On May 14, 2018 the Federal Law No. 325-FZ dated November 14, 2017 “On amendment to articles 19 and 23 of the Federal Law „On Currency Regulation and Currency Control“ and to the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation» (“the Law”) came into force.

International Commercial Arbitration Textbook 

29 June 2018

Lidings experts took part in authoring the International Commercial Arbitration textbook, published under the auspices of the Arbitration Court Journal. The textbook was prepared by a team of well-known Russian and foreign experts in dispute resolution and international arbitration and is currently by far the most extensive and relevant tutorial publication on international commercial arbitration covering various aspects of it published in Russian.

Lidings experts authored subsections on claims, arbitrability and bankruptcy.