According to the Federal Law 89-FZ from 24.06.1998 «On production and consumption wastes», taking into account the changes introduced into it by 458-FZ with regard to the requirements for the implementation of waste recycling standards and environmental fee payments manufacturers and providers of a certain type of products face an issue of establishing independent organizations to ensure compliance with prescribed standards.

Lidings law firm has a unique practical experience in developing a concept and providing a complex legal support on establishing entities designed to help their members to comply with the waste recycling standards. Firm’s expertise includes a full range of works on establishing such organizations for several industrial non-commercial organizations, uniting large manufacturers and importers of an automobile tyres and electronics and household appliances operating in Russian.
To find out more about Lidings’ expertise in providing legal support on establishing special unions to ensure compliance with the waste recycling standards and comprehensive support of their activities, please refer to the presentation (in Russian).
Presentation (in Russian) pdf, 704.61 kb