
Liability for non-compliance with the requirements on the localization of personal data of Russian nationals to become more stringent

16 December 2019

On December 2, 2019, Federal Law No. 405-FZ entered into force. This act significantly increases administrative liability for violations of the requirements on the localization of databases containing personal data of Russian nationals. The localization requirement was first introduced into the Russian legislation in 2014 and imposed an obligation to locate servers with the personal data of Russian nationals only in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Lidings’ Experts Speak at 6th Student Law Forum at MSLA

11 November 2019

Associate of the Dispute Resolution at Lidings Elizaveta Fursova and Associate of the Intellectual Property practice Roman Vlasov will take part in the 5th Student Law Forum at the Kutafin’s Moscow State Law Academy (MSLA). The event traditionally will take place at the University’s main building on 14-16 November, 2019. The main topic of this year’s Forum is Law in a Digital World.