
Key Developments in Russian Pharma — 2019

14 February 2020

The year 2019, which continued the trend of rapid and numerous changes in healthcare regulations, was rich on expectations, events and legislative proposals aiming to reverse pharmaceutical industry: medical drugs labeling, reform of price determination, new procedure of entry into drugs civil circulation, amendments to regulatory framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, etc. This trend is likely to continue in 2020 as well.

Simplification of the procedure of including IP objects to the Customs Register

13 February 2020

According to Chapter 57 of the Federal law No. 289-FZ dated 03.08.2018 “On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (Law on customs regulation) a rightholder is entitled to file to the Customs Service an application for including their IP objects to the Customs Register seeking rights protection.

Lidings’ Partner Stepan Guzey Speaks at Business Breakfast on Asset Tracing and Recovery

05 February 2020

Partner of Lidings law firm Stepan Guzey, Head of the firm’s Bankruptcy and Restructuring practice will act as an expert at a special business breakfast on Tracing and Recovery of Assets of Russian Debtors Outside Russia and Financing of Such Processes. The event is organized by the Legal Insight Magazine and the PLATFORMA service and is scheduled to take place in Moscow on February 5th 2020.