Lidings Appointed Exclusive Representative of WEX Crypto Exchange for Accepting Applications of Clients for Refunds

20 May 2024

Lidings law firm announces the acceptance of applications of the clients of WEX Crypto Exchange to consider the matter of the possibility of repayment of funds being earlier legally transferred for the crypto exchange for investment purposes.

Lidings law firm was appointed by WEX Crypto Exchange as the one and only representative for accepting the applications from Russian and foreign clients. Lidings law firm acts on behalf of World Exchange Services Pte. Ltd. that was recognized as the victim in the criminal case of WEX Crypto Exchange.

Applications can only be accepted via email: and using WhatsApp and Telegram messengers +79265618384, +79265168384. The information on in person meetings and applications handling will be announced. The applications can be accepted in Russian and English.

Lidings law firm, its employees, partners and affiliates do not make any form of payments to clients of WEX Crypto Exchange, and any commitments of such payments on behalf of Lidings law firm are not valid or legal. Repayments will only be made by World Exchange Services Pte. Ltd. upon review of documents submitted by clients.

Lidings law firm does not provide any legal advice to clients of WEX Crypto Exchange».