A Government Resolution has been adopted establishing rules for resolving disputes over deleted content during monitoring

04 August 2021
Nikita Ayrapetov
Elizaveta Gromova
Legal Trainee

A Government Resolution has been adopted establishing rules for resolving disputes over deleted content during monitoring.

On 24 July the Government Resolution № 1191[1] came into force, approving the rules and terms for considering appeals of social network users to lift restrictive measures against content that was removed during monitoring.

Recall that in December 2020 amendments were made to the Federal Law «On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection», according to which social networks must monitor content and remove information prohibited by law.

[1] Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.07.2021 № 1191 «On approval of the rules and terms of consideration of appeals from users of a social network to cancel measures to restrict access to information revealed in the process of monitoring the social network or as a result of consideration of the appeal of information distributed in violation of the law, as well as Rules for making the owner of a social network to cancel measures to restrict access to user information»