Changes in the order of entry of foreign citizens to Russia

18 February 2021
Polina Vodogreeva
New amendments are introduced to the Order of the Russian Government dated 16.03.2020 No. 635-r “On temporary restriction of entry into the Russian Federation of foreign citizens and stateless persons and temporary suspension of registration and issuance of visas and invitations” (the “Order”):
1. Applications (lists) for entry are submitted through the Public Services Portal of the Russian Federation(the “Portal”)
The submission of applications for entry is carried out based on the algorithm and the unified data submission form approved2 by the Operational headquarters for preventing the import and spread of the new coronavirus infection in the territory of the Russian Federation. According to the algorithm, the federal executive authority applies for a foreign citizen’s entry by filling out a form on the Portal, which specifies his/her full name, date of birth, gender, citizenship, series and number of the identity document and information on the border crossing (expected checkpoint, legal grounds, department and date of entry).
Applications of foreign citizens planning to enter Russia to receive medical services are uploaded by medical organizations.
A foreign citizen, in turn, can track the issuance of his/her border pass through his/her personal account on the Portal. To do this, a foreign citizen should register on the Portal and get a simplified account. Transport companies will also be able to check the availability of passenger data using the Portal3.
2. Highly qualified specialists (HQS) and their family members can have a multiple entry pass
The previously existing provision on a single entry into Russia for HQS and, accordingly, the need to coordinate each entry of a HQS with the relevant ministry has been canceled. Now a possibility of multiple entries is established both for HQS and their family members, provided they are included in the entry list.
3. The EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) member state citizens can enter Russia until March 1
Until March 1, 2021 (inclusive), the EAEU citizens arriving in Russia from Armenia or Belarus can enter the established list of air checkpoints across the border4.
The EAEU citizens who arrive in Russia as described are required to have:
ID document that is valid and recognized as such in Russia;
Negative test result for coronavirus in “Traveling without COVID-19” mobile app.
4. The list of states whose citizens can enter Russia from these states through air checkpoints across the state border has been expanded
The list now also includes Armenia and Azerbaijan. There are currently 21 states on the list in total.
2Appendices No. 1 and 2 to the minutes of the meeting of the Operational headquarters for preventing the import and spread of the new coronavirus infection in the territory of the Russian Federation dated 14.01.2021 No. 1kv
3Information from the official website of the Russian Government:
4The list is set out in Appendix No. 2 to the Order