New State Fees Came into Force for Applications by Legal Entities and Individuals to Arbitration Courts and Courts of General Jurisdiction

16 September 2024
Diana Kovaleva
Legal Trainee
Alexander Popelyuk

On September 8, new state fees1 came into force for applications by legal entities and individuals to arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction. The new procedure applies to any applications and complaints filed with the court from September 9, 2024.

Arbitration Courts

When filing statements of claim for property claims in arbitration courts of the Russian Federation, the amount of state fees is now as follows:

  1. the minimum amount of state fee is 10 thousand RUB

  2. from 100,001 RUB to 1 million RUB - 10 thousand RUB plus 5% of the amount exceeding 100 thousand RUB

  3. from 1,000,001 RUB to 10 million RUB - 55 thousand RUB plus 3% of the amount exceeding 1 million RUB

  4. from 10,000,001 RUB to 50 million RUB - RUB 325 thousand plus 1% of the amount exceeding 10 million RUB

  5. over 50 million RUB - 725 thousand RUB plus 0.5% of the amount exceeding 50 million RUB, but not more than 10 million RUB

  6. the upper amount of the state fee is 10 million RUB

The fee for a claim in arbitration court, which is not subject to assessment, or for a non-property claim is now for individuals - 15 thousand RUB, and for organizations - 50 thousand RUB.

The fee when filing a claim for disputes arising from the conclusion, modification or termination of contracts, not containing a claim for the return of the executed under the transaction or the award of property, as well as a statement of claim for disputes on the recognition of transactions invalid, not containing a claim for the application of the consequences of invalidity of transactions: for individuals - 15 thousand RUB; for organizations - 50 thousand RUB. When filing claims containing requirements for application of consequences of invalidity of transactions, the fee is paid as for claims of property nature, depending on the value of the property to be returned.

The fee for a statement on recognition of a non-normative legal act as invalid and on recognition of decisions and actions (inaction) of state bodies, local self-government bodies, other bodies, officials as illegal: for individuals - 10 thousand RUB; for organizations - 50 thousand RUB.

The fee for filing an application to challenge regulatory legal acts of the Federal Executive Body affecting the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant in the field of legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization increased for individuals and organizations almost 30 times (organizations - from 2 thousand RUB to 60 thousand RUB, individuals - from 300 RUB to 10 thousand RUB).

The fee for filing any appeal for individuals - in the amount of 10 thousand RUB, for organizations - in the amount of 30 thousand RUB. To appeal any judicial act in cassation will have to pay: individuals - 20 thousand RUB, organizations - 50 thousand RUB. For consideration of an appeal by the Supreme Court, individuals will have to pay a fee of 30 thousand RUB, and organizations - 80 thousand RUB.

In bankruptcy, the fee for filing an application to arbitration courts for declaring a debtor bankrupt for individuals increased from 300 RUB to 10 thousand RUB, for organizations - from 6 thousand RUB to 100 thousand RUB. The new amendments reduced the amount of fee for applications and claims within the framework of separate in bankruptcy cases, the amount of which is calculated on the basis of the substance of the claims: the amount of fee here will be only half of such state fee, which is paid outside bankruptcy.

For the first time there are such types of fees as:

  • for filing an application for legal succession: for individuals - 5 thousand RUB; for organizations - 25 thousand RUB.

  • when filing an application for issuance of a duplicate writ of execution, for restoration of the missed deadline for submission of a writ of execution for execution, for postponement or installment of execution of a judicial act, for changing the method and procedure of its execution, for reversal of execution of a judicial act, for clarification of a judicial act - 10 thousand RUB

  • when filing an application for revision of a judicial act on new or newly discovered circumstances - 30 thousand RUB

  • when filing an application to replace an interim measure, to cancel an interim measure - 30 thousand RUB

Courts of General Jurisdiction

The amount of state fees for filing a claim of a property nature subject to assessment has changed as follows:

  1. up to 100 thousand RUB - 4 thousand RUB

  2. from 100,001 RUB to 300 thousand RUB. - 4 thousand RUB plus 3% of the amount exceeding 100 thousand RUB

  3. from 300,001 RUB to 500 thousand RUB. - 10 thousand RUB plus 2.5% of the amount exceeding 300 thousand RUB

  4. from 500,001 RUB to 1 million RUB. - 15 thousand RUB plus 2% of the amount exceeding 500 thousand RUB

  • from 1,000,001 RUB to 3 million RUB - 25 thousand RUB plus 1% of the amount exceeding 1 million RUB

  • from 3,000,001 RUB to 8 million RUB - 45 thousand RUB plus 0.7% of the amount exceeding 3 million RUB

  • from 8,000,001 RUB to 24 million RUB - 80 thousand RUB plus 0.35% of the amount exceeding 8 million RUB

  • from 24,000,001 RUB to 50 million RUB - 136 thousand RUB plus 0.3% of the amount exceeding 24 million RUB

  • from 50,000,001 RUB to 100 million RUB - 214 thousand RUB plus 0.2% of the amount exceeding 50 million RUB

  • over 100 million RUB - 314 thousand RUB plus 0.15% of the amount exceeding 100 million RUB, but not more than 900 thousand RUB.

When filing a statement of claim of a property nature, not subject to assessment or a statement of claim of a non-property nature, individuals will now have to pay 3 thousand RUB (previously - it was 300 RUB), and organizations - 20 thousand RUB (previously - it was 6 thousand RUB).

It is also worth noting that from September 9 for cassation or supervisory appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation individuals will have to pay 7 thousand RUB, and organizations - 25 thousand RUB.

In addition, a new type of state fee was introduced, namely the fee for private complaints. Its amount corresponds to the cost of filing an appeal: individuals - in the amount of 3 thousand RUB (previously - 150 RUB), and organizations - 15 thousand RUB (previously - 3 thousand RUB).

1 Federal Law No. 259-FL