
Lidings Partner Stepan Guzey Speaks at Bankruptcy Business Breakfast at St. Petersburg International Legal Forum 2019

16 May 2019

Lidings law firm continues to take an active part in the work of the International Legal Forum annually held in St. Petersburg by supporting the Vedomosti’s special Business Breakfast entitled Bankrupt — 2025: Red List Species. The event is scheduled to take part on May 16th, 2019 at the main forum’s venue, the General Staff Building.

Lidings’ Partner Alexander Popelyuk Speaks at Conference on Dispute Resolution in Financial Sector

14 March 2019

Partner of the dispute resolution practice at Lidings Alexander Popelyuk will speak at the FinLegal-2019 Conference: Litigation, Bankruptcy and Subsidiary Liability in the Financial Sector, organized by the Banking Review Magazine. The event is scheduled to take place on March 14th 2019 in Moscow and will gather lawyers of major Russian and international companies and experts of the leading national and international law firms to discuss relevant issues of dispute resolution and court practice in the sector of banking and finance.