
Lidings Recommended by World Trademark Review 1000

18 February 2021

The rating particularly states that Andrey is “well versed in all aspects of intellectual property and can hammer out favourable outcomes in difficult disputes in the life sciences, fast-moving consumer goods and high-technology spheres” and Boris is “a trusted adviser to numerous pharmaceutical companies on both the patent and trademark sides, and has further know-how in advertising and data protection.

PHARMA-2020: Lidings’ Partners Speak at Pharmaceuticals Conference

27 October 2020

Lidings’ managing partner, Head of the pharmaceuticals and healthcare industry practice and partner in bankruptcy and restructuring practice of the Firm Alexander Popelyuk will speak at the annual conference entitled Pharma – 2020: Pricing, Labeling, Intellectual Property and Legal Risks. The event organized by will take place in Moscow on October 27th, 2020 at the Marriott Royal Aurora hotel.

Lidings Managing Partner Andrey Zelenin Speaks at ABA’s 12th International Dispute Resolution Conference

16 September 2020

Lidings managing partner Andrey Zelenin will take part in the 12th ABA Conference on the Resolution of CIS-Related Business Disputes hosted by American Bar Association (ABA) together with Russian Arbitration Association (RAA) on 16-17 September 2020. This year it is online and it will as usual become a meeting place for the leading international arbitration and dispute resolution experts from around the world.

Lidings Experts Run Master Class in Summer Masters’ School at LMSU

27 August 2020

August 27th, 2020 Lidings Managing Partner Andrey Zelenin and Associate Julia Kuzmenko will run a special master class dedicated to Legal Advice to Life Sciences Companies: Lawyer’s Knowledge and Capabilities as a part of the two-day educational programme of the Lomonosov Moscow State University entitled Summer Masters’ School (SMS). Becoming traditional this summer students’ event is scheduled on August 27–28 and this year will run in a Zoom format.